There have been multiple times this week that either Dan or I have been humming the Tom Petty song "Its time to move on." We can't really get it out of our head.

It's time to move on, it's time to get going
What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing
But under my feet, baby, grass is growing
It's time to move on, time to get going…
Leaving a port that has been home for a longer stay always comes with a bit of excitement and a little bit of sadness for leaving familiar environs. But once we get going, it feels good to be in the rhythm of seeing new sights. There is a thrill in experiencing new spots and finding new special places and meet new people.

We've been rewarded with wildlife this week. After leaving Loreto heading deeper up into the Gulf of Mexico we saw multiple blue whales. Nothing caught on film to prove it, so you will have to take our word.

We also saw another grouping of whales that looked like humpbacks. And so many dolphins. And so many rays. And baby turtle tracks. And thousands of birds. I think each day we've been delighted with the wild things that are in our backyard.

We spent several days in Ensenada San Basilio, in this lovely bay we could have spent a week or two. We may go back.
Then we spent a dolphin filled day at Punta Pulpito. Also a cool place that with weather permitting, we'd go back to. We hosted an evening gathering with the 2 other boats while we were there. It is always a joy to get to know new people, hear their stories and look forward to meeting again somewhere else on the sea.
One of our guests was working on a documentary on the over-fishing of the Gulf of California. We will share it when it is available.

The next day while continuing our journey, we put out the fishing lines and again caught nothing. Although we had one fish run off with our entire line. And then we tangled our spare line. So I guess it is fish Karma. There are no fish for us. More proof that we need to get better.

Today we find ourselves in Playa Santispac. The fish tocos at Armando's on the beach are perhaps some of the best we've had for awhile. We are getting ready to start some maintenance projects and have lots of prep work to do...more on that next week. There is a cool vacation laid back vibe here that is awesome. It will be easy to stay here until ...again...its time to move on.

Absolutely fabulous. Never tire of these updates. So thrilled you have been able to make this dream come true.