Leaving Echo Bay, we headed further NW to Broughton Island. We were expecting fair weather for a day or two, but with continued winds from the South.

We dropped our anchor in Laura Bay, which we thought would be protected from the South, but as the morning turned into afternoon, it was clear that the chop from the channel was not cooperating and with a lee shore, we weren't likely to get any sleep. We pulled up the crab pot, untied the stern line, then picked up the shrimp pot. An hour later, we were on our way to hopefully a more protected place.

We headed North to Miller Bay, and found a spot tucked in at Berry Cove. We had more room to swing at anchor and had a great view up Kingcome Inlet. The seas were much calmer and protection from the south better. Added bonus: the crabbing was great in here!
We are now figuring out the best way to cook the crab and it is a process, because we can only do 2 at a time, as we can't boil the water in such a big pot! First world problems for sure!
After hanging out in Berry cove for a day, we took one look at the forecasted weather and decided to head into Sullivan Bay. We thought we might have some luck on some provisions (nope, we need a plan B) and enjoy protection of the bay for some upcoming weather. In fact, this was the first time I heard 'Hurricane Force' winds in the daily weather report from Environment Canada, for the area closest to where we are!

So, all tied up safe and sound for the night in Sullivan Bay we sat through LOTS of rain and big gusts, but we were well protected. I think the cat was getting a little dizzy, with the movement, like we were sailing, even though we were tied to the dock.
We don't really have many pictures of this bad weather. Who wants to see that? Or remember it. All we have to show is this photo of the rain on the window. And the memory of many games of cribbage.