Change has been my job for the last 14 years and you could say I'm pretty OK with it (perhaps annoyingly too OK with it as some of you may know). But there is a moment of truth when you untie the lines and ACTUALLY leave the dock with no plans to return until a date far in the future--that can put you into a weird state of 'what did we just do???' It is such a shift from the go - go - go of preparation to the shock of an absolute silent still anchorage. I'm sure we'll adjust it just takes time!
We've travelled 100 nm as of this post, and we are starting to get into the groove. We couldn't have wished for a better send off from our escort to Port Townsend (thanks S/V Feierabend!), a close encounter with Orcas, rain, sun, wind, no wind, a flat calm day on the strait of Juan De Fuca and a smooth customs entrance into Canada...we are well on our way from landlubbers to sea dwellers.
As a wise person once told me change isn't that hard. Just get over it. Ok. We will.
