Our friends the Wilcox family joined us in the last week, adding 4 to our crew. They couldn't have picked a more perfect week as the weather was perfecto for exploring the Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto. This park is made up of several pristine islands and crystal blue water.

Following a second visit to Isla Coronados and a vigorous hike for the crew up the grueling face of a 'volcano', we began a week long circle route around Isla Carmen.

We fished every chance we could and we got a few bites--although not anything to write home about. We threw some back but we were able to enjoy fish tacos at least once!
One of the highlights of the week was our visit to Bahai Salinas. This bay houses the ruins of an old salt mine, a fishing wreck and a more recently developed hunting lodge. The weather the day we were there was a bit windy, and we didn't end up anchoring overnight in the bay but the beach was spectacular. We stayed about 2 miles NE just south of Punta Perico. This anchorage had its own delights, in particular a huge pod of dolphins swimming around with us as we floated around in our dingy.

Continuing around the island we went to Punta Colorada, we had a great day on the beach and we snorkeled and swam until we couldn't snorkel any more.

We were fortunate to see so much wildlife every day this week. We saw dolphins, rays and loads of small fishes every day.

Having 6 aboard Okisollo can be a bit "cozy". But we all took turns doing the chores and everything worked out just great. We can't wait to have them back whenever they can come again! We are now at anchor in the Puerto Escondido mooring field where we'll be hanging out for a few more weeks before we continue our journey planned for the Spring -- north, then east in the Gulf of California / Sea of Cortez. We are planning a week of shore - leave with a rental car and land-based housing (with a pool!). We'll do some more provisioning and sightseeing from a different perspective!

Wow, look beautiful. Emil